Photo by: Romain Salerno (Date: 18.12.2021)
Airline: Tunisair [F-WWIA / TS-IMX]
Type: Airbus A320
Airport: France, Toulouse (TLS)
Comment: Tunisair hat rechtzeitig vor den Weihnachtstagen den ersten von zunächst fünf Airbus A320neo übernommen. / Tunisair took delivery of the first of initially five Airbus A320neo aircraft just in time for Christmas.
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Photo by: David Levain (Date: 19.12.2021)
Airline: ETF Airways [9A-LAB]
Type: Boeing 737-800
Airport: Switzerland, Basel (BSL)
Comment: Die zuvor weitgehend weiße Boeing 737-800 der ETF Airways hat jetzt die Farben ihres kosovarischen Auftraggebers mywings erhalten. / The previously basically white ETF Airways Boeing 737-800 has now received the scheme of its Kosovar client mywings.
Photo by: Paul Sanders (Date: 16.12.2021)
Airline: Astral Aviation [N557CM]
Type: Boeing 757-200
Airport: , USA, Victorville (VCV) ()
Comment: Die kenianische Astral Aviation hat die erste von drei Boeing 757-200 Frachtern übernommen. / Kenyan Astral Aviation has taken delivery of the first of three Boeing 757-200 freighters.
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Photo by: Terry Nash (Date: 17.12.2021)
Airline: Arizona Cardinals Football [N867DA]
Type: Boeing 777-200
Airport: USA, Phoenix, AZ (PHX)
Comment: Das Arizona Cardinals NFL Football Team hat sich für eine frühere Delta Air Lines Boeing 777-200 als Mannschaftsflugzeug entschieden. / The Arizona Cardinals NFL Football Team has selected a former Delta Air Lines Boeing 777-200 as their team aircraft.