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Airbus A320 [F-WWDY / PR-YSH]
Photo by: Eurospot (Date: 31.08.2021)
Airline: Azul Linhas Aéreas [F-WWDY / PR-YSH]
Type: Airbus A320
Airport: France, Toulouse (TLS)
Comment: Der nächste Airbus A320neo der Azul Linhas Aéreas trägt eine auffällige Mickey Mouse in den Wolken Lackierung, um ihre Flugverbindungen zu Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida zu bewerben. / Azul Linhas Aéreas' next Airbus A320neo wears a striking Mickey Mouse in the clouds livery to promote its scheduled services to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
BAe Avro RJ70 [A9C-BRF]
Photo by: Stephen Borg (Date: 27.08.2021)
Airline: Bahrain Royal Flight [A9C-BRF]
Type: BAe Avro RJ70
Airport: Malta, Luqa (MLA)
Comment: Die Luftwaffe Bahrains hat ihre beiden BAe Avro RJ85 und ihre RJ100 um eine erste RJ70 für das Königshaus aus Beständen der Formula 1 ergänzt und erwartet dazu eine zweite RJ100 in einigen Wochen. / The Royal Bahraini Air Force has added a first BAe Avro RJ70 to its fleet, a former Formula 1 aircraft to opeerare on behalf of the royal family complementing its pair of RJ85s and its RJ100 which are to be joined by a second RJ100 in a few weeks’ time.
Airbus A330-300 [EI-GTT / G-EODS ]
Photo by: Maxime Hadir (Date: 24.08.2021)
Airline: Titan Airways [EI-GTT / G-EODS ]
Type: Airbus A330-300
Airport: , France, Chateauroux (CHR) ()
Comment: Titan Airways übernimmt in Kürze diesen A330-300 Frachter in GEODIS Farben, einem Ableger der SNCF Logistics und Teil der Eisenbahngesellschaft Frankreichs. / Titan Airways will shortly take delivery this of A330-300 freighter in GEODIS scheme, a division of SNCF Logistics as part of the French Railway.
Airbus A330-200 [JY-JVB]
Photo by: Brian McDonough (Date: 19.08.2021)
Airline: Jordan Aviation [JY-JVB]
Type: Airbus A330-200
Airport: USA, Washington, Dulles, DC (IAD)
Comment: Jordan Aviation ist in diesem Jahr der Partner der „N.C.P.C. Nigeria Chrisitians Pilgrims Commission” für nigerianische Pilger zu den Heiligen Stätten in Jerusalem. / Jordan Aviation is this year´s partner of the "N.C.P.C. Nigeria Chrisitians Pilgrims Commission ”for Nigerian pilgrims travelling to the Holy Places in Jerusalem.

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